All comments on this blog will be moderated before publication. Please read the following before commenting.
I initially started this blog to think through and put out there my experience of motherhood in a feminist / critical way. Wary of trolls, I initially set the comment function to 'registered users only'. After posting to this blog for a year, I have decided to change that setting and open the blog to comments from 'anyone (including anonymous users)'.
It is my policy not to publish comments that contain rude, offensive or unsociable content (and I don't wish to receive them for moderation either). While constructive debate is welcome, commentary that is offensive e.g. name calling, racist remarks, stereotypical generalisations, or personal attacks will be deleted and the IP address of the poster blocked.
I post to this blog in the limited spare time I have after wrangling a small child and working. I make every effort to proof the posts, check my facts and keep it reasonably coherent. There may, however, be grammatical or spelling errors from time to time. I will neither publish nor accept comments that make snarky remarks about typos or are generally abusive about my writing style or level of intelligence. If you do come across an error of fact, I would appreciate a respectful comment letting me know.
Commentary on this blog is provided as a courtesy to promote discussion on individual posts. It is not an open forum for you to say whatever you want. Comments will not be published only for the reasons listed above (although I reserve the right to modify this if something particularly nasty or egregious comes to my attention. I appreciate a healthy debate as long as it is respectful both to me and to anyone else who might be posting.
If you do not agree to these terms and conditions do not post a comment on this blog.