Friday, September 28, 2012

In which I have my say ...

This week’s post is a brief one as I have been using my limited mummy-blog time to write a submission to the New Zealand parliament on proposed legislation to extend the current paid parental leave provisions from 14 weeks to 26 weeks. For those in New Zealand, there is still time to make a submission if you would like to. The closing date is 5 October 2012, and a few organisations have made it very easy to submit by drafting short online forms with sample text in support of the extension. All you have to do is add your name and hit send. You can find a non-partisan one at the 26 for Babies campaign website, or one supported by the Labour party on their website

My own submission can be found here in PDF format. Feel free to draw on any of the points I make or resources I have used. Personal submissions can be made via Parliament's website.


Normal service will be resumed next week.